1 min readJan 13, 2021


Words cannot describe the way I feel when I see your name pop up on my screen. That one message that you may think of insignificant, always means the most to me.

And when you send me a video, talking or just disagreeing with what I said, every part of me is filled with happiness.

Remembering your touch, the way you held me, and the feel of your lips against my skin, gives me this sense of euphoria.

You inspire me, constantly. You're the most brave and strong person I've ever met. You may feel as though you're broken, but in all reality, you're just beginning again. This time, you'll be stronger than you were when you originally felt that pain.

I fell in love with you that Friday morning. The way you kissed me for the first time, made me feel as though I'm the only one you ever truly wanted to touch. I know that's not true, but it was a nice feeling.

The look you had in your eyes, you didn't need to say it, you were hurting, and I could see that.

But then you also had another look, almost loving. I never felt so special in my life. You gave me a day that I could never forget.

A day that I'll forever write into my stories, as everyone should know of how truly amazing you are.

